Blinn at Texas A&M-RELLIS
1300 Bryan Road, Bryan, TX, US
Administration Bldg
RELLIS Campus Tour
We are excited about your interest in Blinn College!
This tour is for Blinn College at Texas A&M-RELLIS. It does not include a tour of Health Sciences facilities in the RELLIS Academic Complex or our career and technical education programs in the Agriculture and Workforce Education Complex. To tour those facilities, you may contact those departments at the contacts below, and schedule a tour of those facilities. Please contact blinnbound@blinn.edu if you do not receive the confirmation with link or have any questions.
Health Science Tours:
Please contact health.sciences@blinn.edu
Technical and Workforce Tours:
Please contact Richard.Hobbs@blinn.edu
(Please contact two weeks prior to your visit)
If you wish to book a group tour (parties of 10 or more, schools, or organizations), please contact us at:
Brenham: 979-830-4152
Bryan: 979-209-7516
RELLIS: 979-209-7516
Questions & Answers
There are free visitor parking spots in the circle drive, located in front of the Blinn-RELLIS Administration Building (The building with the flag poles in front). Space is limited, please plan accordingly.
You may also park in lot 1000, across the street from the Blinn- Administration building. The address is 3100 TX-47, Bryan, TX, 77807. This parking lot is owned by TAMU Transportation and vehicles will be ticketed if you have not paid for parking, https://transport.tamu.edu/Parking/pbp.aspx#hourly. The RELLIS code is 7743.
For a map of the RELLIS campus, please visit https://www.blinn.edu/rellis/files/rellis-map.pdf
Please enter the lobby of the Blinn-RELLIS Administration building (the one with the flag poles in front of it), located next to the Walter C. Schwartz building.
Please reach out to kate.karstadt@blinn.edu.
Please reach out to richard.hobbs@blinn.edu
Yes, please allow 30 minutes after registration to receive. You will also receive a reminder email prior to the tour.